we were late for church today. the sad part is that today is daylight savings time. fall back. i woke up and got the boys up. then when i realized what time it really was i thought i could get a little more sleep. i am not a morning person and i always love the chance to get more sleep. so i took the chance and then woke up late. so we were late for church. and i was questioned as to why we were late. which people should know by now that i am going to be late more times than not.
tayte and mattie are playing video games. it is funny to watch them play because mattie gets to a part that she can't do and gives it to tayte to do. tayte is 2 years younger, but he probably is a better player than most. which is sad. i know not the best parenting.
payton is into everything like usual.
baylee is going to his first hockey game. is was super excited when he left the house. colton's birthday was last month, but he wanted to go the hockey game so they went. baylee kept watching the clock to see when they were coming. i hope the event exceeds his expectations. i am happy for him but i hate missing his firsts. even at 7. i want to be there when he does anything new. still.
Not the results that we were prepared for
8 months ago