Sunday, November 20, 2011

thankful: day 20

i am thankful that will all the changes to the mass, my kiddos are young.  in fact, baylee really is the only one that has learned the existing mass to any extent.  so i am grateful that i only have to change one of them, the rest will have to learn it as we all do.  some of these changes are good and do make sense, others seem unnecessary.  i'm sure they are changes for the better, but their purpose isn't crystal clear.  but, change is good and being able to adapt to new situations is a wonderful characteristic to have.


thankful: day 19

i am thankful for the organizations the boys are involved in.  baylee is in 4h and cub scouts, and tayte is in cub scouts.  both organizations help teach the boys the value of being a positive part of society.  i believe it takes a village to raise a child and i want to make sure that the village my boys are part of contains a range of positive influences.  i want them to see there is more to life than sports.  i was an athlete in school so i'm not bashing sports.  sports are part of the extra things the boys do, i just want the to be well rounded and have lots of pieces to the puzzle that makes them, them.  as an adult leader in scouts i now get to see it from a different perspective.  i am seeing how the different things we do come together to show these boys to honor and respect God, their country, and themselves.


thankful: day 18

i am thankful that my children are not picky eaters.  they will try almost anything i put in front of them.  they rarely complain about what is cooked.  plus they are really healthy eaters.  they don't really care for a lot of fried greasy food.  i am thankful that they will eat fruits and vegetables, and lately they don't have to be covered with ranch.
