Thursday, March 12, 2009


he is...
  • the man i was supposed to fall in love with.
  • the one i will spend the rest of my life with.
  • the reason my life is complete.
  • the father that i want for my children.
  • the provider of many things.
  • the caring compassionate person that all people should strive to be.
  • the man i hope my children become.
  • the one who has helped me through many things all these years.

he is one year older.

happy birthday.

i am a better person because i met you 14 years ago today. i love you forever and a day.


when i die....

as time goes on there are things that bug the fire out of me and i want it to be known that there are certain things i don't want.

  1. if i should die on the road do not put flowers or crosses on the side of the road. please do not make all my places traveled be referenced by the last spot. that bugs me.
  2. do not put rip tara on your car with shoe polish. if you feel the need to put my name on your car (which i hope you don't) at least use some type of vinyl so it isn't on there halfway and washed partly when it rains.
  3. also i probably will be scared to death. i don't want to die alone so please be loud and let me know you are there. i hate the quite.

these are the big ones and know this... i will come back and haunt you if you do any of these.


pokemon fever

i thought pokemon died years ago, but i am sadly mistaken. pokemon has taken over this house. it is an obcession that infects all three little boys. it is sad many of them know the names of several of the pokemon.

the other day baylee was telling me something about pokemon. this is what i got:

....evolves......level......i can't believe he isn't evolved yet......that is so crazy....evolves....i need to catch.....and his super powers are....

when i told baylee i didn't understand anything he was saying he looked at me rolled his eyes and then spoooookkkkkeeee veeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyy slllllllooooooowwwwwwllllllyyyyyy to his idiot mother and went through the whole thing again. "now do you understand?"

no. but i at least listened like i cared and that is what matters to him, right?
