i am thankful for the small town we live in. small towns are the best for raising kids. there are more freedoms. there is less violence. small town values are the best too. for the most part everyone has similar ideas on how things should work. you know almost everyone or at least recognize them and if you don't know them someone within earshot does. i firmly believe it takes a community to raise a child. i am glad we have chosen this community. lee and i do a lot with the kids of this community and i am glad that people show that we are appreciated.
small towns are great when things are going well, but they are also amazing when you are in a dark place. four years ago when i lost my dad i couldn't go anywhere without someone letting me know they were thinking about me and praying for peace and comfort.
in many, many, many years when lee and i are home alone without any kids i hope we still think small towns are the best.
Not the results that we were prepared for
8 months ago