i thought pokemon died years ago, but i am sadly mistaken. pokemon has taken over this house. it is an obcession that infects all three little boys. it is sad many of them know the names of several of the pokemon.
the other day baylee was telling me something about pokemon. this is what i got:
....evolves......level......i can't believe he isn't evolved yet......that is so crazy....evolves....i need to catch.....and his super powers are....
when i told baylee i didn't understand anything he was saying he looked at me rolled his eyes and then spoooookkkkkeeee veeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyy slllllllooooooowwwwwwllllllyyyyyy to his idiot mother and went through the whole thing again. "now do you understand?"
no. but i at least listened like i cared and that is what matters to him, right?
Not the results that we were prepared for
6 months ago
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